List of Individuals
Pelham, Anna
Pelham, Sir Nicholas
Pemberton, John
Pemberton, Mary
Perdieu, Effie Myrtis
Perkins, Alan
Perkins, Anita
Perkins, Anna Louise (Sussie)
Perkins, Ben
Perkins, Benjiman
Perkins, Bobby
Perkins, Buford
Perkins, Dimmack Y.
Perkins, Donna Kay
Perkins, Edna
Perkins, Emma
Perkins, Janet
Perkins, Jimmy
Perkins, Josephine
Perkins, Linda
Perkins, Maggie
Perkins, Mary
Perkins, Ruby
Perkins, Sandra
Perpointe, Elizabeth
Perrin, Mary
Perrin/ Sr, Richard E.
Pert, Anne
Peterman, Kristian Lynn
Peterman, Steve
Petrowsky, Sarah Giles
Petty, James Edward
Petty, Roger Stanley
Phelps, Tammy Lee
Phelps/ Jr, Wayne Everett
Phillips, Carrie Eunice
Phillips, Maude
Phillips, Sue
Phillips, William G.
Pidcock, Elizabeth
Pilson, Rachel Ester
Pinkston, Cheryl Ann
Pinkston, W. Thomas
Pollard, Douglas Franklin
Pollard, Shawn Douglas
Pollard, Shirley Lee
Pollard, Willie Franklin
Poole, Nettie Bert
Pope, Charlie
Pope, Lisa
Porter, Jone "Joan"
Poteat, Ouida
Pott, Elizabeth
Powell, Eleanor
Powell, Hezekiah
Powell, John
Powell, Louise
Powell, Richard M.
Powers, Dorothy Irene
Prebble, John
Prebble, John Stephen
Prebble, Thomas
Prebble/ , J, John Stephen
Preble, Jett Gale
Preston, Elizabeth
Preston, Evelyn
Preston, William
Prevost, Marguerite
Pribble, James
Pribble, Lucinda
Price, Kelly
Profitt, Helen Elizabeth
Provence, Eleanor of
Puckett, Pauline
Pullin, Sarah
Purnell, Mary
Queesberry, Robert Thomas
Quintal, Clarie Irene
Quintal, Robert L.
Quintal/ Jr, Robert L.
Radford, John
Radford, Marie
Ramsey, Mary Katherine
Randall, T.
Randolph, Mary
Reade, Frances
Reamer, Christine Nichol
Reamer, Ruben
Reed, Elizabeth
Reese, Ruby
Reeves, Frances Jane
Reeves, Robert Raymond
Reid, Andrew
Reid, Jane
Resinger, Clyde Carlisle
Resinger, Doris
Resinger, Jerry
Resinger, Lara Ann
Reynolds, Helen
Reynolds, Helen (1)
List of Surnames
Created by David Arthur