David Overby

< Louis Jefferson Overby

Sallie Josephine Overby

< Rosa Givons Overby

< George Epps Overby

< William H. Overby

< Elizabeth (Caddy) Overby

< Lillie Overby

David H. Overby

< James Washington Overby

< Richard Samuel Overby

< Mary Sue Overby

< Clara Lee Overby

< Virginia Lucy Overby

< Annie Harrison Overby

 Nicholas Overbury
 Giles Overbury 
  Mary Palmer
 Nicholas "The Imigrant"Overby 
   Sir John Shirley
  Lady Ann Shirley 
  Anna Pelham
 Nicholas "Ye Younger"Overby 
 Nicholas Overby III 
 Jeremiah Overby 
 John Overby 
 Robert Overby 
   John Eppes
   Francis Eppes 
    Thomasina Fisher
   Francis Eppes II 
     Thomas Pawlett
    Marie Pawlett 
    Elizabeth Wrenne
   William Eppes 
    Elizabeth Littlebury 
   William Eppes 
     John Hamlin 
    Elizabeth Hamlin 
    Elizabeth Taylor 
   William Eppes 
  Charlotte Eppes 
 William Epps Overby 
  Mary "Polly" Spinner 
 David Overby 
birt: 12-22-1851
plac: Raleigh, NC
deat: 4- MAR 1931
plac: Lunenburg Co. VA burried Antioch Cemetery Rt. 138

Mary Elizabeth Moore
marr: 11-16-1869
birt: 8- AUG 1849
deat: burried Lunenburg Co. VA off Rt. 138 near Stoney Creek Manson Farm

Sallie Ann Skinner
marr: 11-15-1885
plac: Lunenburg Co. VA
birt: 8-18-1861
deat: 10-04-1934
plac: Burried Antioch UMC Lunenburg Co. VA
  John Williamson
  James W. Williamson 
   Eupham Short
  John Williamson 
    Andro Hird
   Margaret Hird 
   Catharen Browne
  William Williamson 
    William Turpie 
   Christian Turpie 
    Alexander Law
   Eupham Law 
   Kathren Grig
  Samuel Williamson 
    John Davidson 
   Mary Davidson 
  James Williamson 
   Mary Ikerde 
  George Williamson 
   Jane McEwen 
  Charles Williamson 
   Rebecca ? 
 Elizabeth Green Williamson 
 Rhoda ? 

David Arthur | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Created by David Arthur


Served in the Confederate Army. David Overby was just over 13 years old at the end of the Civil War. There is no record found documenting his Confederate service. Oral tradition in the family is that he served in the Petersburg VA Homeguard. He st ated that his service consisted of guarding bridges into the city behind the battle lines. His home at the time was just South of the Appomatox River to the West of the current location of Interstate 95. The UDC placed a Southern Cross at his grav e upon his death in 1931. The cross was stolen from the gravesite in the 1960s and was later privately replaced.